Filter & Search Listings

Filter Listings

To simplify the listings search and management, you may use filters. You apply filter to search listed items in all tabs simultaneously.

Listings tabs before filters are applied

Listings tabs after filters have been applied

Create Filter

To create a new filter, click [Filters] to the right above the listed items.

Now you can customize a new filter according to your needs. You may filter items with all or only one identifier.

Follow the steps below to create a new filter.

1. To specify tags, put the cursor in the "Tags" text-box and fill in the tags' names. Remember to press the [Enter] key having entered each tag. You can't use the Cyrillic letters to enter the tag.

You can use one or several tags to create a filter.

If you don't want to specify tags, leave the "Tags" field unfilled.

To delete the tag, click the [Close] icon on the required tag or click on this tag and press the [Backspace] key.


2. In the "Price" fields you have to set the range of the "Price From" and "Price To". You can specify either "Price From" or "Price To". Also, you can fill in both or neither of them.


"Price From" can't be more than "Price To".

The "Price From" and "Price To" values must be in the range from 0.01 to 999 999 999.99 USD for American, MXN for Mexican, and CAD for Canadian marketplaces accordingly.

3. Next, you can tick "Linked" for items linked with the products in the inventory or "Unlinked" for the items unlinked with the inventory.

You can tick both options or neither of them.

4. At the next step, you have to choose the statuses of the items you want to filter. You may tick all or none of them.

Check the filled data, and if everything is correct, click [Apply filter] or click [Clear filter] to clear filled data and specify correct information to create the new filter.

To close the "Filter Listings" window, click the [Close] icon in the top right corner.

Edit Filters

To change data in the arranged filter, click [Filters] in the right corner above the displayed listing and edit the required information in the "Filter Listings" window.

To apply changes, click [Apply filter] or [Clear filter] to delete filled data.

To exclude particular filter identifiers from the arranged filter, click the [Close] icon of the required identifier on the panel above the displayed list. You can remove all identifiers.

If it is needed, click [More] to see all filter identifiers.

Delete Filters

To delete filter, click [Filters] in the right corner above the listing.

Then click [Clear Filter] at the bottom of the "Filter Listings" window. Click the [Close] icon in the top right corner to close the "Filter Listings" window.

To delete filters in another way, click all [Close] icons of filter identifiers on the panel above the displayed listing.

Search Listings

"Search Listings" is another instrument to speed up the search of the listed items. You can perform search by the details of the product name and SKU identifier.

To start, put the cursor into the "Search Listings" field and enter the appropriate data.

To clear the "Search Listings" field, click the [Close] icon or highlight the text and press the [Backspace] or [Delete] keys.