Export Orders
To export the order list, click the [Export to] button in the "Export Data" tab and choose CSV or Excel file format of the order report.
Set a date range of the required orders: "Date From" and "Date To".
You can choose the date with a date-picker. To navigate, use the [Left] and [Right] arrows. Also, you can enter data manually in the date format MM/DD/YY, where MM — a month, DD — a day, and YY — a year.
"Date From" can't be later than "Date To".
Click [Export] to continue exporting or [Cancel] to abolish.
If request to export is successful, you get the notification.
Afterward, click the [Notification] icon.
Click the link in the notification to download the report to your computer.
Click the [Background Tasks] icon.
And click the link in the notification to download the report to your computer.
Afterward, select the folder where to save the file and click [Save] or [Cancel].