Shopify as a Main Store

Before you connect the Shopify store as a main store, note that you can use your Shopify store as an ordinary connected sales channel. In this case, the SellerSkills will aggregate all your listings, orders, and labels. The SellerSkills inventory will be the central inventory. You can operate all connected sales channels in the SellerSkills application.

In case you set Shopify as a main store, you'll use the SellerSkills as a bridge between the main Shopify store and other connected marketplaces (Amazon, eBay, Walmart). Your Shopify inventory is the central one, and you operate connected marketplaces in the main Shopify store via the SellerSkills application.

Nowadays, the option "Shopify as a Main Store" is available only for one store.

Add Shopify as a Main Store

To add a new Shopify connection as a main store, you have to follow the steps below:

1. Enter your account nickname and Shopify shop name in the appropriate text fields.

2. Click the [Toggle] icon to activate the function "Shopify as a Main Store".

3. Click the [Save] button.

4. You have to confirm that you want to make Shopify the main store by clicking [Confirm].

5. Afterward, you have to log in to your Shopify account.

To activate already connected Shopify as a main store, click [Listings] at the top menu and choose [Manage Channels].

Then click the [Edit] icon in the line of the required Shopify store.

To activate the function "Shopify as a Main Store", click the [Toggle] icon first and then click [Save].

To finish, you have to confirm that you want to make Shopify the main store by clicking [Confirm].

If adding is successful, you receive a notification, and all Shopify information is imported to the SellerSkills. This process takes up to 10-15 minutes.

The function "Shopify as a Main Store" includes the features below:

  • The current SellerSkills inventory is not used as it is replaced by the Shopify inventory.

  • The Shopify inventory is the main source of information for further operations.

  • The primary warehouse is changed to the Shopify location.

  • The orders from other connected marketplaces (Amazon, eBay, Walmart) will be sent to Shopify.

Visually main Shopify store is highlighted green in the Listings dropdown menu.


You can turn off the function "Shopify as a Main Store" by clicking the [Toggle] icon on the integration page of the required Shopify store. In this case, the previous SellerSkills inventory will be restored.

Shopify as a Main Store Inventory

After the activation of the "Shopify as a Main Store" option, your Shopify store listings become the SellerSkills inventory, and it caused few changes in the inventory functioning.

To learn more about general inventory management, follow the link.

To get what has changed, continue reading the text below.

The 'Condition,' 'On Hand,' and 'Reserved' columns aren't displayed, but there is the 'Status' column. Here, the status of the item in the Shopify store is displayed.

You can't use the bulk editor, manage categories, categorize the products, or duplicate items. Also, it isn't available to import or export items to the inventory of Shopify as a main store.

Still, you can add items by clicking "Add Product" at the top.

Then, you have to specify details on the "Add Product" page.

Note, you can use the "Fast Add Product" option. Click here to learn more.

Adding product while Shopify is a main store has few differences.

You don't fill in the manufacture, category, and condition information. Instead, you have to specify the product type.

Also, you have to check or uncheck whether the item is taxable and required shipping.

To learn more details on how to add a product, follow this link.

After you click [Save Product], it is saved to the inventory with the draft status. To make it available at the Shopify store you have to publish it by clicking [Publish] on the "Edit Product" page.

Or tick the required item in the inventory list and then click the [Publish] icon.

To view the product details, you have to go to the "Edit Product" page by clicking the name of the item in the inventory list. Also, you can get there by clicking the [Three Dots] icon in line with the required item and picking [Edit].

On the "Edit Product" page, you can view information about the item in the "Product Info", "Image", 'Stock", "Listings", "Orders", "Options", "Related Items", and "Activity Log" tabs.

In the "Product Info" tab, you can edit the product information as explained in the "Edit Product" paragraph (click here).

You don't need to specify the manufacturer and tick "Also update package dimensions on the linked listings?" as the changes will be updated automatically after publishing.

The additional information you have to fill in is about the product type and whether the item is taxed and required shipping.

In the "Image" tab, you can add and delete images. Click here to read more.

In the "Stock" tab, you can fill in the value of items to add to the 'on hand' quantity. You can change it for each warehouse in particular.

Also, you can edit the "Min Inventory" field.

Click [Save] to confirm changes.

To change the "Cost$" value, you have to go to the "Product Info" tab and change the value in the "Price" field.


To make changes at the main Shopify store, you have not only confirm them in the SellerSkills inventory by clicking [Save] or [Save Product]. You have to publish changes by clicking [Publish] on the "Edit Product" page.

Or tick the required item in the inventory list and then click the [Publish] icon.

In the "Listings" tab, you can view all listings where the product is listed.

Orders with the chosen item are in the "Orders" tab.

Click the order number to view the order details.

In the "Options" tab, the information about added options and their values is displayed.

You can check the list of the related items in the "Related Items" tab.

In the "Activity Log" tab, you may check all the activity connected with the chosen item.

To simplify product management, you can add tags. To read more about tags, click here.

Also, you can view a particular item on the Shopify store by clicking [Shopify URL] on the ""Edit Product page or you can click the [Three Dots] icon of the required product and pick [View on Shopify].


Still, you can use filters to sort the items by the attached tags, total available value, price, and where they are listed beside the Shopify main store.

The filter by categories and conditions is not available while the Shopify store is the main.