Edit Listing on eBay

To go to the "Edit Listing" page, you have to click [Listings] in the top menu and choose the sales channel from the drop-down list. Then click on the name of the chosen product.


Click [Listings] in the top menu and choose the sales channel from the drop-down list. Then click the [Three Dots] icon in the line with the chosen item and choose [Edit].

At the "Edit Listing" page you can edit information in the "Product Info", "Category & Format", "Pricing", "Payment", "Shipping", "Return" and "Additional" tabs.

Product Info Tab

In the "Product info" tab you can edit the product name(*), description(*), subtitle, brand, MPN identifier, and another identifiers.

Data, provided in the "Product Info" tab, are visible for your customers.

To set the product name, put the cursor in the "Product Name"* text-field and enter a new name. Product name must be at least 1 character long, but no longer than 250 characters.

To provide your customers with detailed information about item you sell, enter all needed information in the "Product Description"* field. Product description must be less than 4000 characters long.

Also, you can use HTML Editor to add and edit a description.

To save changes, click [Save] or [Close] icon not to save changes.

To preview description, click [Preview].

To back to the "Product Info" page, click the [Close] icon.

You are able to add subtitle in the "Subtitle" field. Take to attention that subtitle is not required eBay field and using it you have to pay additional fee.

To find out more information about eBay selling fees, follow the link below the "Subtitle" field.

To specify brand, fill in the "Brand" field.

Enter MPN identifier in the "MPN" field.

If you want to add more product identifiers, click the [Dropdown] icon, choose the required identifier from the list, and click the [Add Identifier] button.

Afterward, fill in the appropriate data in the created field.

To add more identifiers, repeat the previous steps.

Category & Format Tab

In the "Category & Format" tab you can specify the primary category(*), category ID, condition, and condition description.

At first, you have to set the category. You can search or browse it.

To search category, choose [Search Category] and enter the key word in the text-field. Scroll the list to find the required category. If there is no needed category, try other key word.

Also, you can specify a category in another way.

Click [Browse Category] and choose the required root category. Then pick subcategories till you find the end subcategory.

To navigate subcategories carousel, use [Left] and [Right] arrows.

Having set category, you get the "Category #" field specified automatically.

To specify the condition of the listed item, click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the appropriate one from the list.

Also, you have to add some condition description in the "Condition Description" field. Description must be not longer than 1000 characters.

Next, you have to specify more information about the listed item.


Information will be different for each particular category. You may compare two screenshots below:

Example 1: These details must be provided for dog food.

Example 2: And this information must be specified for brush pots.

Pricing Tab

In the "Pricing" tab you have to provide the buy it now price(*), quantity(*), minimal quantity(*), maximal quantity(*), lot size, and quantity limit per buyer.

To set "Buy It Now"* price, put the cursor in the appropriate field and enter the required value.


The value must be specified in USD for American, MXN for Mexican, and CAD for Canadian marketplaces accordingly.

You can specify the item quantity in the "Quantity"* field. The quantity value must be less or equal to the quantity in the inventory. Also, quantity should not be less than the minimal quantity and more than the maximum quantity values or equal to zero. The only exception is possible for the items unlinked with the inventory products. In this case, you can enter any value.

Next, you have to fill in "Min Quantity"* and "Max Quantity"* fields. Minimal quantity can not be greater than the specified quantity and not equal to zero. Maximal quantity can not be greater than 99999999.


You can set minimal and maximal quantity values only for items linked with the inventory. For unlinked products, these details are blocked.

You can set the lot size for the listed item in the "Lot Size" field. You may skip this field as it is optional.

To limit the quantity of the items one buyer can buy, enter the required value in the "Quantity limit per buyer" field.

Payment Tab

In the "Payment" tab you can choose the payment policy and apply it to the edited item.

Click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the needed one from the list.

To add a new payment policy, click [Add Policy] button.

Afterward, click the [Save] button at the top to save changes in the "Payment" tab.

If it is saved, you get a notification.


If you haven't saved changes, you have to click [Leave] and confirm that you are ready to leave the page and lose changes or click [Cancel] and return to save changes.

Shipping Tab

In the "Shipping" tab you can choose the shipping policy and apply it to the edited product.

Click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the needed one from the list.

To add new shipping policy, click the [Add Policy] button.

Afterward, click the [Save] button at the top to save changes in the "Shipping" tab.

If it is saved, you get a notification.


If you haven't saved changes, you have to click [Leave] to confirm that you are ready to leave the page and lose changes or click [Cancel] to return and save changes.

Return Tab

In the "Return" tab you can choose the return policy and apply it to the edited product.

Click the [Dropdown] icon and choose the needed one from the list.

To add new return policy, click the [Add Policy] button.

Afterward, click the [Save] button at the top to save changes in the "Return" tab.

If it is saved, you get a notification.


If you haven't saved changes, you have to click [Leave] to confirm that you are ready to leave the page and lose changes or click [Cancel] to return and save changes.

Additional Tab

In the "Additional" tab dimensions values and images are displayed, but you can edit them at the "Edit Product" not at the "Edit Listing" page.

Having edited data in all tabs, you can save changes and publish listing.


When you click [Save], you don't publish item. To save changes and publish, click [Save & Publish] at the top of the "Edit Listing" page.

Afterward, you have to confirm publishing by clicking [Yes, save & publish] or click [Cancel] to abolish the process.

If publishing is successful, you get a notification.

Product will be published to your marketplace few minutes later. You may check the status of the process by clicking the [Notifications] icon.