Change and Forgot Password

Forgot Password

Follow next steps to sign in SellerSkills application if you forgot password:

1. Enter email address and click [Click here] at the bottom of the “Sign in” form:

2. Click [Reset password]:

3. Follow the notification from SellerSkills:

4. Check email and open “Reset password” letter from SellerSkills:

5. Click [Reset]:

6. Having filled in the "Password"* and "Confirm Password"* fields, click [Reset password]:

7. Sign in with the new password.

Change Password

To change password, select the “Change Password” tab. Enter the old password in the left entry field:

Then enter a new password in the right entry field and confirm action by clicking the [Change password] button:

If password is changed, you get a pop-up notification.

To discard the password change, do not click the [Change password] button.

If you forget the password, click here.